
1 entries found.

Rank 4

Fire Pit
Over a period of a week a Red Cloak may create a Fire Pit from red stone and iron. The Fire Pit is like a Mage, in that it traps the power of the Sun and allows it to be used for Red Order magic. To light the fire one or more Keldians must be burnt to death in the pit. The Casting Mage must sacrifice 3 Health.

Once the fire is lit it can maintain up to 2 Energy Level's of spell or burdens (each burden uses 1 EL), such that the total ranks of the spells involved are not greater than the number of Keldians sacrificed (burdens count as rank 1). Any spell with a duration of Maintained or Extended cast on a Fire Pit that has free Energy Levels becomes Sustained, and has it's duration extended for as long as the fire continues to burn. Similarly a burden passed to the Fire Pit is maintained for as long as the fire burns.

After that the pit must be tended constantly to function, requiring a constant supply of fuel equal to Wealth 6.
power+1 Energy Level / Burden sustained per 8 Power Levels.